We are dedicated to fighting hunger and food insecurity in the community. Learn more about our mission and how you can help support our cause.
The Good Shepherd Food Pantry is part of a robust network of human service organizations (HSOs) that provide housing, transportation, food and/or interpersonal safety services to eligible NC Medicaid Managed Care members enrolled in the Healthy Opportunities Pilot. We provide only Healthy Food Boxes under this program.
To be eligible for pilot services, individuals must:
The Healthy Opportunities Pilot (HOP) may be able to help you access fresh healthy food, safe housing, reliable transportation and personal safety services. These factors are as important as visits to the doctor and can even help prevent them. Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for some of the following services listed below.
NC Medicaid Managed Care members must meet at least one physical/behavioral health criteria and one social risk factor to be eligible for the Pilot program.
Homelessness, as defined in 42 C.F.R. § 254b(h)(5)(A), or housing insecurity, as defined based on the principles in the questions used to establish housing insecurity in the Accountable Health Communities Health Related Screening Tool or the North Carolina Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) screening tool.1,2</sup
As defined by the US Department of Agriculture commissioned report on Food Insecurity in America:3
Or food insecure as defined based on the principles in the questions used to establish food insecurity in the North Carolina Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) screening tool.4
Defined based on the principles in the questions used to establish transportation insecurities in the Accountable Health Communities Health Related Screening Tool or the North Carolina SDOH screening tool.5
Defined based on the principles in the questions used to establish interpersonal violence in the Accountable Health Communities Health Related Screening Tool or the North Carolina SDOH screening tool.6
1 The Accountable Health Communities Health-Related Social Needs Screening Tool. Available https://innovation.cms.gov/files/worksheets/ahcm-screeningtool.pdf.
2 North Carolina’s SDOH Screening Questions. Available:
https://www.ncdhhs.gov/about/department initiatives/healthy-opportunities/screening-questions
3 USDA Economic Research Service [Internet]. Washington: USDA Economic Research Service; [updated 2017 Nov 27]. Definitions of Food Insecurity; [updated 2017 Oct 4; cited 2017 Nov 27]. Available from: https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/food nutrition-assistance/food-security-in-the-us/definitions-of-food-security/
4 North Carolina SDOH Screening Tool. Available: https://www.ncdhhs.gov/about/department-initiatives/healthy opportunities/screening-questions
Thank you for your interest in the Healthy Opportunities Pilot (HOP). HOP is only available for Medicaid Managed Care recipients that lives in one of the 33 counties in North Carolina that HOP provides services for. To be pre-screened, please complete the questions below, and a Good Shepherd HOP Navigator will reach out to complete the pre-screening process.
Good Shepherd Food Pantry of Bertie County, NC
819 Governors Rd. Windsor, North Carolina 27983, United States
Phone: 252-794-1095